Saturday, June 22, 2019

Convergence between GAAP and IFRS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Convergence between GAAP and IFRS - Assignment ExampleThe US Generally Accepted method of accounting Principles is the major accounting ideal used in the United States (Walton 45-46). The International Financial Reporting Standard on the other hand is the accounting standard practiced in over 110 countries in the world. U.s. GAAP is broadly considered as a more rule based accounting system, while IFRS is mostly based on principles. It is therefore obvious that the IFRS and the U.S. GAAP do not agree on every issue (IASCF and IASB 80-101). This paper seeks to focus on the convergency between the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the International Financial Reporting Standard.The International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) is an independent body in the unavowed sector. It develops and approves International Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards. The International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) functions under the International Financial Reportin g Foundation oversight. It was formed in 2001 in replacement of the International Accounting Standards perpetration. International Financial Reporting Standard, under the constitution of International Financial Reporting Foundation, has a full right for all technical issues of the financial reporting standards such as preparation and issuing the interpretations of exposure drafts and International Financial Reporting Standards, full discretion in pursuing and developing technical agenda dependent on requirements of consultation with the public and trustees, the issuing and approval of interpretations by the International Financial Reporting Standards Interpretations Committee (IASB 19-21)).... SEC registrants are however required generally in presenting expenses that are based on function such as administrative speak tos and cost of sales. The criteria of extraordinary items are also restricted to both the infrequent and unusual items. In terms of the criteria of the discontinued trading operations, these operations are for those components that are specifically abandoned of or held for sale, given that there will be no involvement with the disposed component or significant cash flows (Shamrock 29-30). On the other hand, in classifying expenses in the IFRS, expenses may be presented based on either constitution or function such as depreciation and salaries. Particular disclosures on the expenses nature must be included in the notes if function is selected. There is no criterion of extraordinary items in the IFRS as it is prohibited. In addition, the classification of discontinued operations in IFRS is for components that are disposed of or held for sale. These components are either of a separate geographical area or a different business key out (IASCF and IASB 105-110). The layout of the balance sheet in the U.S. GAAP is not generally provided in accordance to a specific layout, but the public companies follow the specified requirements in the S-X regul ation. The presentation of debt that has been violated is presented as non-current in case lender agreement to waive right for repayment demand exists for more than a year preceding to the issue of financial statements. In the U.S GAAP, the non-current and current classification of deferred tax liability and asset is based generally on the nature of related liability or asset. This is a requirement. The U.S GAAP has no requirement for a third balance sheet. On the

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